A message I received from a Cybergirl 4.0


Elizabeth Ekedoro
5 min readMar 7, 2024


Dear CyberGirl,

Congratulations on joining this amazing program! I understand your excitement as I experienced it myself last year. I vividly remember the joy and anticipation I felt when I received my acceptance email. Just like you, I poured my heart and effort into the application, knowing the value and potential this program holds.

Embracing the Journey:

Before diving into specific tips, I want to acknowledge that the beginning can be challenging. Many, including myself, experienced initial feelings of fear and uncertainty. Remember, this is completely normal. As someone from a different educational background, I began my journey with similar anxieties. The initial period presented its share of difficulties, including sleepless nights and self-doubt. However, I want to emphasize that you are not alone in this journey.

Overcoming Challenges:

Despite initial anxieties, perseverance is key. While I started with fear and uncertainty, I actively learned and grew over time. This involved facing challenges like sleepless nights filled with self-doubt and learning to navigate professional platforms like LinkedIn. However, drawing inspiration from the supportive community and heeding the advice “If you wait until you feel ready, you’ll be waiting for the rest of your life,” I took the first step. I began sharing my knowledge, however limited, on various platforms like LinkedIn, medium (a personal blog I created months after joining the program), and in the community. This is how it turned out for me.

Looking Back and Moving Forward:

Reflecting on my journey, I am incredibly proud of my growth and the impact I’ve made. With a heart full of confidence in your potential, I offer the following ten (10) tips to set you up for success and guide you through this program:

1. Stay Connected to Your “Why”:

In moments of difficulty, which are inevitable, always remember the purpose and passion that led you to pursue cybersecurity and select this program. View these challenges as opportunities for growth. Visualize yourself at graduation, celebrating your achievements and acknowledging your resilience for daring to dream and pursuing your dreams.

2. Draft a Plan/Timetable:

Remember the adage: “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” Whether you’re a student or a worker creating a personalized schedule is vital for your success. This will help you manage your time effectively and ensure dedicated study periods. To be at an advantage, research your desired career path before engaging in “A-Day-In-Life Sessions”. This proactive approach will allow you to ask insightful questions, gain the most from these valuable interactions with industry experts and make informed decisions.

3. Avoid procrastination and excuses:

Time waits for no one, and it’s no exception in this program. Procrastination can be a hurdle, so prioritizing effective time management is crucial for success. Identify and minimize distractions and schedule dedicated study time to stay on track. Be prepared to make sacrifices to prioritize your learning journey. The first two months, known as the prerequisite stage, are fast paced with unprecedented heat and pressure and not everyone will make it through this stage. While the program isn’t intended to discourage anyone, acknowledging the early challenges can help you be prepared mentally and physically to persevere. Remember, dedication and continuous effort are key to staying in this program.

4. Set SMART Goals and Leverage Resources:

Establishing SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) will guide your progress and fuel your motivation throughout the program. These goals should be tailored to your individual aspirations and align with the program’s overall objectives.

To cite an instance, my cohort’s pass mark was 75% so I set a personal threshold of 85%, which meant dedicating additional study time, your goals will naturally vary. Remember to leverage all available resources, including AI tools like ChatGPT for explanations, to maximize your learning and optimize your study time.

5. Be active and present:

While managing multiple commitments can be challenging, your well-planned schedule will be your key to balancing your studies and active participation in the program. Maximize your learning and build strong connections with your fellow CyberGirls by actively participating in program activities like #OneCyberThingADay, #CyberFriday, etc. These initiatives are designed to help you grow and strengthen your community bond as Cybersisters.

6. Show up like your all depends on it:

Your success in the program hinges on merit and transparency so approach your studies with dedication. Consistently put your best effort towards assignments, tests, assessments, and projects. Always ensure you submit your work before deadlines and maintain a clear record by taking screenshots of all responses you get after submissions to serve as evidence if/when needed.

7. Be your Sister’s Keeper:

As Confidence Stavely has rightly quoted

“A sister is God’s way of proving He doesn’t want us to walk alone. Sisters function as safety nets in a chaotic world simply by being there for each other. From the moment you are selected as a CyberGirl, know that every other fellow is your sister and must be treated as family to get the best experience from this fellowship”.

You’re in a community with hundreds of other girls in your cohort, consider forming an accountability partnership with members of your peer learning group; treat everyone with kindness, look out for each other, share knowledge, experiences, and encourage one another. Remember, past Cybergirls are valuable resources. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them for advice as their experiences can provide valuable insights and fuel your determination when facing challenges.

8. Be of Help and Ask for Help:

Offer help whenever you can because in helping others, you’ll find solutions for yourself. It’s okay to be honest and admit when you’re stuck, ask for help, don’t be shy to ask ‘dumb’ questions. Seize leadership opportunities, stay curious and seek clarity from instructors and success advisors. They are availabe to provide technical and non-technical support to guide you on your journey.

9. Embrace Community and Collaboration:

This journey is best taken collaboratively so don’t walk alone! Actively engage in cybersecurity focused discussions on LinkedIn, twitter(X), etc. These networking platforms offer a unique space to learn from industry experts and peers, gaining insights, perspectives, knowledge and building professional relationships.

Additionally, do not be afraid to share your experiences and learnings; even if they seem imperfect, starting small and growing your voice is what’s paramount. Finally, as you progress in the program, ensure you attend your mentorship sessions and ask relevant questions to help guide you.

10. Remember who you are:

In overwhelming moments, catch your breath, smell the roses, and extend grace to yourself. Never forget that you’re knowledgeable, resilient, excellent, a fountain of value, an ardent problem solver, a voracious learner, and nothing is too difficult for you to master. You are a doer with genius intellect and You’re a CyberGirl!

I believe these tips will equip you for success, and I look forward to celebrating your achievements at the program’s end. While the journey may be demanding at times, know that your skills and knowledge will constantly grow throughout the experience.

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn and Twitter(X) if you have any questions. I’m here to support you on your journey.

Your CyberSister,

Elizabeth Ekedoro



Elizabeth Ekedoro

SOC Analyst | Cybersecurity Technical Writer/Researcher | GFACT | SANS CTA | BTL1- Gold Coin | ISC ² CC | CyberGirls Alumna | Featured in GlobalSecurityMagazine