Exciting Update on My Cyber Talent Academy Acceptance


Elizabeth Ekedoro


No more suspense, Drumroll, please……🥁

I’ve got some fantastic news to share in my cybersecurity journey and I hope this update finds you in the best of cyber spirits!

In my recent article, “REJECT AND REFLECT OR WAIT AND WONDER,” I spilled the beans about not receiving a clear thumbs-up or down for my application to the Cyber Talent Academy, a joint program conducted by SANS Institute in collaboration with Allianz . You can catch up on the details here.

Fast forward to this morning — I found an email in my inbox with the subject line “The Cyber Talent Academy — Application Update” Talk about a heart-pounding moment!

Not knowing what to expect, I opened the email to find these magical words:

“Dear Elizabeth, thank you for your application to the Cyber Talent Academy, conducted by SANS in collaboration with Allianz. We are delighted to extend an offer of acceptance to you for this program……..”

Cue the confetti!!!!!!! 🎉

I’m stoked to kick off this new phase in my cybersecurity journey. The Cyber Talent Academy is offering an accelerated training program and the coveted Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC) at zero cost. This acceptance isn’t just a pat on the back — it’s an open invitation to dive into the SEC275 course: Foundations: Computers, Technology, and Security, along with the GIAC Foundational Cyber Security Technologies Certification (GFACT). But wait, there’s more! The top ten performers will then be invited to enroll in the SEC401: Security Essentials — Network, Endpoint, and Cloud course, and obtain the GIAC Security Essentials Certification (GSEC).

I’ve submitted all the necessary information and even got a welcome email.

The countdown to officially joining the Cyber Talent Academy is on!

The countdown to officially joining the Cyber Talent Academy is on!

I’m beyond excited to embark on this next chapter of my cybersecurity journey. This acceptance is not just a validation of my hard work and dedication but also an incredible opportunity to learn from industry experts and further sharpen my skills in key cybersecurity domains.

To all my friends and subscribers, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for your unwavering support throughout this journey. Your encouragement and positive vibes have fueled my determination, and I couldn’t be more thankful for the amazing cyber community we’re building.

As I prepare for this exciting chapter, I encourage you to share your victories, big or small. Your achievements matter, and I’m here to celebrate each one with you. What’s your cyber goal? What roadblocks are you facing? you’re welcome to reach out to me anytime, Let’s continue supporting each other on this incredible journey! 👩💻

Stay cyber-awesome, my friends! Cheers to new beginnings and endless possibilities!



Elizabeth Ekedoro

SOC Analyst | Cybersecurity Technical Writer/Researcher | GFACT | SANS CTA | BTL1- Gold Coin | ISC ² CC | CyberGirls Alumna | Featured in GlobalSecurityMagazine