My Certified in Cybersecurity (CC) Badge Issuer: ISC2


Elizabeth Ekedoro
4 min readDec 29, 2023

Caught up in my preparation for the Security Blue Team Level 1 (BTL1) exam, I realized I had only had nine days left to prepare for the Certified in Cybersecurity exam. So, here’s how I did it.

This article delves into the specifics of my 9-day preparation, study materials, and resources — each a valuable asset for your success in the Certified in Cybersecurity (CC) exam.


The CC exam serves as a foundational step for those interested in pursuing a career in Cybersecurity. While the exam is free, a $50 fee is applicable for your certificate and annual maintenance if you successfully pass. The assessment consists of 100 multiple-choice questions to be answered within a stipulated time of 120 minutes. Passing the exam requires a score of 700/1000, you will also need to go to an approved test center closest to your location to take the exam. An essential exam tip: When writing the exam, once you choose an option and click next, you can’t go back to change your choice, so make sure you read carefully, choose the best answer, and be strategic in managing your time.


The exam covers five crucial domains, including Security Principles, Incident Response, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery, Access Controls Concepts, Network Security, and Security Operations. For comprehensive details on the exam, registration, and benefits, visit ISC2’s official site Here.


Enrolling in the ISC2 course, I committed to 10 hours of daily self-paced study from December 5th to December 13th, 2023. My approach was to take on and understand each domain thoroughly with the mindset of a Cybersecurity newbie, aiming for a quiz and assessment score of above 85%. (This score serves as a personal standard I’ve set for all my assessments and exams, and I encourage you to establish your own and strive to meet it.)

A screenshot of my grades

This experience reinforced that there’s always more to learn in the field of Cybersecurity, regardless of one’s existing knowledge.

My validation of course completion


  • ISC2’s online training provides comprehensive study materials, including interactive videos and podcasts which I enjoyed. You’ll also have the option to download a PDF at the end of each domain for future reference. (Click this Link) to get access to the complete course notes and over 600 practice quiz questions.
  • Additionally, I explored third-party resources on YouTube for more practice questions. Channels like Prabh Nair (Link) and Opscybersecurity (Link) offered valuable insights into exam question patterns, structures, and expectations. I found Prabh Nair’s advice to be particularly enlightening. According to him “Whenever you go for a CC Exam or any ISC2 exam, read each question carefully till the last line and consider all four options as the best option” In other words, do not assume one option to be the best only, so take your time, read it slowly and ensure to understand the question before making your choice. Going forward, I’ll be applying this to all other exams I shall be writing in the future.


Having successfully passed the CC exam, my next step involved claiming the certification and becoming an ISC2 member, requiring a $50 Annual Maintenance Fee (AMF). Thankfully, the cost was covered with a voucher generously provided by the Cybersafe Foundation.

My Digital Certificate

My Digital Certificate

If you have passed the exam, drop a comment and share your experience! Your insights will inspire others to take this leap. For those who did not reach the goal this time, please do not be disheartened for not passing the exam. ISC2 provides detailed performance breakdowns in each domain, allowing you to identify and strengthen your areas of weakness. If you are preparing to take the exam, I’d love to hear about your study experiences and how your preparation is unfolding. Share your thoughts in the comment section below, and let’s support each other on this journey.

Thank you for reading my newsletter, I hope it’s been helpful to those who are trying to take this exam and I look forward to your success stories. Don’t forget to subscribe, follow me on LinkedIn, and feel free to send a personalized message.

Until next time — Stay cyber-awesome, my friends!



Elizabeth Ekedoro

SOC Analyst | Cybersecurity Technical Writer/Researcher | GFACT | SANS CTA | BTL1- Gold Coin | ISC ² CC | CyberGirls Alumna | Featured in GlobalSecurityMagazine